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Thursday, August 19, 2010

THOUGHTS: Sobriety and Fruit

Lots of talk about Sobriety...
Is it the absence of substance only? Let’s say someone quits alcohol, drugs, and no longer is physically addicted. They celebrate their sobriety through 12 step groups or having done it on their own. Does this mean they are truly free from the effects of their substance abuse? What about the root cause of why they went on the self-destructive roller coaster ride? 

It’s written that one “recognizes people by their fruit.” Jesus likens people to trees. Bad trees give off rotten fruit, good trees yield good fruit. Fruits like love, forgiveness, understanding, patience and encouragement are people’s GOOD FRUIT. Selfishness, angry cutting words, manipulative ventures, vengeful attitudes, intolerance of other peoples needs, and frustrating relationships are people with BAD FRUIT

What some addicts in recovery can’t see is their own fruit. Too long they lived with rotten fruit. For the length of days they were bowed to their addiction: selfishness, cruelty, denial, lies and loss of boundaries were the habit and patterns of their daily walk. Everything revolved around their needs. They stepped on others, manipulated with guild, and used them, played them and ultimately fooled everyone around them. Those behaviors spin the world of addict, inflicting pain on everyone around them. Then they get sober, and think they are fine. Everyone else is to blame. Sad, but true.

So when they drop their substance/addiction, what is left? What fills the void of the substance, the black hole of their addiction? Either they stay the same personality, or go on to recovery and find new life. Recovery is the process of finding the state of a healthy mind. It only takes one step forward with 11 to follow.

Another aspect of recovery is Restoration. To restore involves bringing something back to its original condition or to a better or more useful state. Sobriety and recovery are so much more than putting down the addiction.

sober |ˈsōbər|
adjective ( -berer , -berest )
not affected by alcohol; not drunk. (drugs, sex, work, gambling, the list goes on!)
serious, sensible, and solemn : a sober view of life | his expression became sober.
free from alcoholism; not habitually drinking alcohol : I've been clean and sober for five years.
recover |riˈkəvər|
1 [ intrans. ] return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength 
2 [ trans. ] find or regain possession of (something stolen or lost)
  • regain control of (oneself or of a physical or mental state) 

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