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Monday, September 6, 2010

America becomes a nation of druggies

A Natural News newsletter arrived today about "Big Pharama and a new CDC report that stating nearly half of all Americans are on doctor-prescribed drugs." It goes on to say this: "Big Pharma, it seems, has managed to convince 5 out of 10 people that they're sick and in need of constant chemical intervention."  These are not street addictions, but legal pharmaceuticals, designer drugs. Although more and more street addicts are finding ways into the Vicodin, Oxycontin realm. Read the entire article to gain more insight. For now I will highlight my own thinking about medicines.

LEGAL DRUG PROMOTION. Watch the TV ads. Does it surprise you that drugs are even advertised? It should. How many times do you watch them, thinking "hmmm, thats me!," or "that sounds like what I have!" then if it is not you, surely your friends or family must have that. It's targeted at seniors, adults and children. If you don't take the drugs forever, you won't be well. Take this pill for that symptom, go see your doctor about the drug we just SOLD you. Give him your list of symptoms. Did you hear the long list of side effects? Those drugs cause more diseases than the one's originally concerned about. What in the world did people do before these drugs were invented?

THINK ABOUT IT.  Do people really get well from drugs they take? NO.  Granted, some actually heal certain conditions and get people through crisis. Yet, how many get LIFELONG prescriptions with no chance of getting off? Tell me why so many disease are not cured? Is it money? Do you think they want everyone on some medicine to bring in their fortune? They create new designer drugs replacing the affordable ones all the time. All the while they raking in the bucks from drugs they most likely never take. They know better.

Is it any wonder then that addiction is the NO. 1 problem in America? It's only going to get worse. Medicare, Social Security and Welfare will collapse under the new Health Reform, so carefully in bed with Pharmaceutical Corporations. Oh, more like legal Drug Lords. I leave you with a direct quote from the article:

The mass medication of American citizens has reached a disturbing tipping point where the future of the nation itself is at risk. That's because pharmaceuticals cause cognitive decline, and once you get to the point where over 50 percent of the voters can't think straight, you're trapped in a crumbling Democracy....
But in fact it's the other way around: People who take pharmaceuticals remain unhealthy and really never get cured of anything. Meanwhile, those who avoid taking pharmaceuticals are, by and large, far healthier individuals.

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zak said...

Great article , and yes it's become an epidemic.