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Saturday, September 7, 2013

My Own Prison

Hows your thought life?
prisons often exist in our own minds. limiting thoughts, self deprecating voices keep us locked up inside unable to move at times. funny thing about these 'mind prisons' is that there are no bars or walls. Even if you were in a prison or locked into circumstances you don't like, this can be changed.

the key out is to change your thought. if you just accept and believe everything you think, hear or say, it keeps you in prison. It is the way you handle the negative thoughts and temptations that makes a huge difference in your life. just because you think something doesn't always make it real. it is time for honest and true critical thinking. a mind prison can be solved with changing the way you think, rather than caving into "I can't...'" or feelings of despair and being overwhelmed. 

is it time to clean out and up those influences in your life?
freeing yourself from a mind prison is dependent on what you allow into your thinking through TV, books, music and the friends you keep. if what you hear on a daily basis doesn't give you peace of mind, then it's time to have some deep thought cleaning. 

try a radical thought turnaround. for one whole day write down everything you think. just write it down, no matter. even the tv, music and friends you listen to. record the constant thoughts, themes and ideas.

for day two: take that list of thoughts and compile them into negative (or positive). write those into a new list on the left column. then on the right column, write the exact opposite if it's a pattern of negativity. 

lastly, find a quote or scripture verse or something that is different than the negative thought and memorize it, write it out on your mirror, on papers and think on that instead of the negative ones. "I can't stop this madness" becomes "I have self control, peace of mind, and am calm." or whatever feels natural to you. 

Make your thought garden one of flowers and vegetables that nourish your mind and soul. Pull the weeds of bad thoughts out the moment you hear it break ground in your mind. 

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