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Friday, August 22, 2008

ADULT CHILDREN - all of us

all of us are affected by addiction 

Affected either by family, heritage or our own choice, we have all tasted dysfunction in some form. Again it's back to the garden, nothing has changed. Blame, shame and hiding. i recently pulled out a book ADULT CHILDREN OF DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES which was meant to help a friend who is discovering where their anxiety and downfalls come from. Upon reading page out loud, it hit me between the eyes. the book was about me too. i began to remember all the addicts i have collected along my life. Why? My father, his father and family...we've all been affected. I tried it for a very short year or two but escaped by the grace of GOD. My father (with no intent to dishonor him in anyway) was prisoner to the bottle. They were hidden in all corners of our house. He was a quiet withdrawn alcoholic. His past filled with abusive discipline, a few wars overseas and he drowned all those miseries into his glass of iced vodka and club soda. He didn't know any other way. To me he was and always be a hero. He is also the absent drunken father who wasn't revealed until my high school years. Even with family intervention, and a year of sobriety he was unable to kick alcohol or cigarettes.

From that family dysfunction I learned the codependent function of fixing and saving others. Reading the book caused me to realize in black & white that I too am so affected by this dysfunction, I saw myself and all the symptoms. SMACK in the face. 

This blog talks about personal experiences and observations. I know the books out there, AA and all the rest know this topic backwards and forwards - it's a wrap. it's just there is no where to write out the feelings, thoughts and pain with a hope at the end of it all to find a resemblance of wholeness.

more on this to come...

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