Forgiveness defined by Webster Dictionary:
To give up resentment of or claim to requital for b: to grant relief from payment of , 2: to cease to feel resentment against (an offender): pardon willing or able to forgive, 3: allowing room for error or weakness.
Addiction plays a big part in hiding wounds never healing. Childhood offenses, injuries done during adolescence or any pain covered over fester into adulthood. Resentment naturally follows emotional or mental pain. Resentment turns to bitterness, to anger, then to self-destruction and unwillingness to forgive offenders. In addictive families, the next logical step is to cover the wounds with substances. The role models showed that it is easier to slam down a beer or smoke a joint then to talk things out with one another. Substance abuse is the salve that keeps the wounds from throbbing.
HURT, ANGER, RESENTMENT is underneath every ADDICTION. It's the vicious cycle repeating itself. It's a weed continually growing when left alone. "She hurt me, life sucks it's all too much - so I drink, smoke and medicate myself to no pain." No pain, no gain, life stops. That is until the bottom falls out of your life. Is this where you are now? Think about it... Where else can you go? Everyone around you hates the addiction and you have burned all your bridges. Your substance will NEVER save you. Begin by looking deep. You know where and when it all started. Open that tightly clutched hand to see the wound of your soul. Start the cleansing act of forgiveness NOW.
So, look at the defining words of forgiveness. First, find those who you resent and hold unforgiveness. Allow for their weakness and fault then choose to forgive. Don't forget self-forgiveness and pardoning of you. Ask your higher Power, GOD, to help you and make you willing. Holding onto resentment only hurts you. Try to make amends, if not then let it all go. It is not worth holding onto the pain. Look at where you are now. Did that resentment change anything to make the other person suffer? NO. It only harmed you. So, let it go. Be free. FORGIVE. Say now "I forgive myself and all those who have caused me pain." No matter how great the wound. Forgiveness heals.
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