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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

addictShun | addictions

I thought it time to explain why I used the title in this blog. Since I write from the viewpoint of a "non-addict" (if there is such a thing in the purest sense of the word), I needed a term that showed what happens to someone involved with an addict. 

I came up with the work: addictShun. Shun meaning to persistently avoid, ignore or reject someone or something through antipathy or caution. Therefore one who lives with and loves an addict must also shun what they live with. The addict's existence is driven by their substance causing those around them to "shun" their choices, and lifestyle. Both sides of addiction equal a vicious cycle of costs and loss, as well as an inharmonious, complex relationship.

It's my view that since the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden we are all *broken, each with our own weakness and bent. To me brokenness is not a 360-degree existence either. No one is TOTALLY broken or whole for that matter. It's also my belief that addictions can be broken and one can find wholeness and harmony with the people around them. There is hope and light for freedom and recovery, once we begin to honestly search for answers and heal our past. Only then can we live in our present life without the failures dragging us down. I encourage you to look up the topic FORGIVENESS a starting point from which all healing begins. 
I've written several posts on this linked below:


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